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Startup Founders implement Fundraising Playbooks

Discover & implement strategic playbooks for  fundraising 

Idea Stage

Equity Considerations

Your 1st Pitch Deck

Playbook #13 Do Not Raise More than You Need 

Playbook #09 Use different types of Pitch Decks strategically.

Playbook #10 Avoid these Red Flags in your Pitch.

How much equity for co-founders?
What's the expected % dilution at each raising stage?
Is 10% for a Venture Studio too much? etc...

Pitch Deck Template for Startup Founders

Pitch Deck Template with Investor Green & Red Flags

Playbook #15 Target investors like a Pro.

Pre Seed (1st raise)

Playbook #11 Show Path to Revenue.

Playbook #04 Align your Pitch to be more investable to Angels.

Investor Outreach

Understanding dilution across your entire capital raising journey

Playbook #1 Capital Raising Journey 

Strategic Capital Raising Playbooks to Raise Effectively

Playbook #19 Don't Play All Your Cards at Once.

What are most effective investor follow-up prompts I can use to get replies?

Playbook #08 A Cold Email that landed a16z.

Cold Email Template #1 got a VC reply 20min later and fruitful investment discussions (tried & tested)

Cold Email Template #2 to an Angel Syndicate, referencing their past investment (+ multiple uses)

Cold Email Template #3 to an individual Angel Investor, referring to their post/ article/ content

Cold Email Template #4 to an Angel seeking feedback on the product (as a way to open doors to investment)

Cold Email Template #5 to an Angel Investor/ VC/ Family Office (multiple uses)

Cold Email Template #6 to an individual Angel Investors discovered via LinkedIn (multiple uses)

Cold Email Template #7 to a VC, cVC, and/or Family Office (multiple uses)

Cold Email Template #8 to an institutional investor with a specific investment thesis (adjustable to others)

Cold Email Template #9 to an individual investor (multiple uses)

Cold Email Template #10 to an individual investor (multiple uses)

Cold Email Template #11 to a VC or other institutional investor (multiple uses)

Playbook #21 How to email Investors at the right time.

Cold Emailing Investors Explained: Angel and VC Approach
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Investor Relations Strategy for Outreach and Communications

Playbook #07 Address investors' concerns like a Pro.

Raising from VCs

Investor Relations

Playbook #06 Align your Pitch to be more investable to VCs.

Data Room checklist

What SaaS metrics do VCs look for?

Seed Round (2nd)

Investability checklist

Playbook #12 How to speak about your Ask in terms of growth.

Playbook #13 Select your North Star Metric.

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